Friday, 16 October 2015

Is it necessary to intergrate social media in the classroom? How can I use forums like blogs, facebook, twitter etc to be a better teacher.

I don't believe it is necessary to bring social media into the classroom. It opens up distractions in the classroom. Students will not focus on their schoolwork because other people at home will try to create conversations and learners will be distracted.

They will use the internet to look at images, videos etc. Social media is created to socialize outside of the classroom. In the classroom the focus will be education and in some instances learning how to socialize outside of the classroom by teaching children certain principles of how to behave and act in public. Not to teach them how to bring social media in the classroom. I believe that where we are moving now in technology, media in the classroom can lead to less effective learning and teaching. Back in the days when writing from the blackboard and educating without computers teachers and learners were much more connected to the subjects and learning in general.

Lately education is something teachers prepare 1 hour before class. They put the information on their laptop and read it off the screen. Learners don't have to copy it or take notes because they can fetch it later via the internet.

So much less effort and so much less education!

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